Oooo... see what I did? One post 2 weeks into the 2 month break, and now this post: 2 weeks before the 2 month break ends. I'm on a roll.
So much for ignoring homework... it didn't go away. (You'd think I know that by now, wouldn't you?)
It's not so bad.... at least I started the reports already!
One of them actually.
And Google searching for answers to the unanswered questions on quadrat sampling became blog hopping...
Blleaaarggghh.... Lee Huey Fern, what am I going to do with you??
But on the bright side, I managed to find a great way to auto-plot my kite diagram, which was something that had I had no idea how to do for the past 6 weeks. So yay, one of the toughest parts of the report is taken care of. The next tough part is to try crapping... ahem, I mean explaining the abysmal results in the most 'intelligent' way possible.
Hmm... how about: the beach is polluted and all barnacles are mutants which like to live wherever they want, whenever they want.
Anyhoo... the holidays have been great. Obviously at this point I'm wondering where it all went. Filled to the brim with precious time with mum and dad, good food, plenty of sleep, movies, air-cond, non-academic books and the whole Season 7 of CSI NY on TV (Thank You AXN!! =D)
But as much as all this lazing about had been fun, I am looking forward to going back to Intec. (Gasp! O.o)
Seriously. One year ago, there we were, freaking out about this ulu place we had to be stuck in where cats run rampant and food choices are scarce:
a. unhealthy and cheap, b. unhealthy and expensive, c. gardenia butterscotch bread and maggi mee
(btw, too much of choice c. becomes choice a.)
Now, cats still run rampant and food choices are still the same, but there's also:
the awesome Cs: Church, Campus Alive, Cell Group and Campus Revo...
the awesome friends that come with the awesome Cs (whose initials demonstrate a strange trend: SX, SY, ZX, YX, SY again)...
the ultimate best friend/room mate (time for the fan-hogging, bed-hogging, what to eat? eat you-lah, conversations once more XD)
the brilliant, lovable classmates who make me feel so lazy and dumb... XD
ah, the list goes on and on. The hot weather, cold showers, hard tests and occasional cockroach/lizards are nothing compared to all these precious experiences.
So as emo as I might be about leaving home again next week, I know I have loads of stuff to look forward to going back. And plenty of work and studying as well... gleeps...
Okay, back to my Bio reports. *sheepish laugh*
P/S: Esther, referring to your comment a long time ago: "Mrs. Giovinazzo is hot!"
Well, Mrs. Giovinazzo is pregnant now. XD There go my chances utterly and completely.