Saturday, June 30, 2007

Saturday? I think not...

Throughout today, it hardly occured to me it was Saturday. This is of course contributed to the fact that there was school today, the second of three replacement Saturdays for the Hari Raya break.

On the whole, it was a tiring day in school, but thankfully we didn't need to study. Instead, it was, once again, gotong-royong. Geez... this school is never clean enough, is it? It was a repeat event of February's gotong-royong as the first half of our class was once again assigned to the SPBT store room under Ms Koay. Group B had Ms Cheah in the bengkel kayu.

You'd think I was training up to be Spiderman's apprentice from the way I was so 'gung-ho' about climbing up the less than stable, but unfortunately high book shelves to wipe the windows. But I went for it anyway, since I did the exact same thing during the first gotong-royong. Also, me and Chen Ni had the 'honour' of hanging up the freshly laudered curtains, (that we sent for washing during the first gotong-royong four months ago... and just only got it back... wonder why it took so long... they washed them thread by thread??) Maybe we didn't do too much of a good job cleaning up as the clean curtains became dirty all over again almost immediately after we hung it up... whoops.

The others meanwhile, hustled and bustled around, wiping the shelves and helping Ms Koay organize the new text books into their respective shelves. But as we all know, those fresh, new, clean books will soon be filled with one thick film of dust within a month... Hermione Granger would cry.

After over 2 hours of cleaning, we left. The SPBT room is now considerably cleaner. Well, it should, seeing that all the dust, dirt and grime from the room transfered onto our bodies instead. Thank goodness for teachers like Pn Kang who let us off her double BM period... who would be in the mood to study after becoming human dust magnets?

Two Saturday school days down, one to go.

Tricia, thanks for coming to the Youth Park 10 minutes late, resulting in me standing around looking like a lost, lonely fool... but things picked up quickly enough. The older volunteers were quickly divided into pairs. They are to be the group leaders, chaperones, care takers, baby sitters, (I'm not sure what the exact term is) for the 9 groups of 10 kids each tomorrow, otherwise called Foster Parents aka Foster Mummy & Foster Daddy. (Cute, eh?)

Then, it was us younger volunteers' turn to be sorted. We won't be leading the kids but we will be covering all other nesessary aspects of running the camp smoothly, like being stationed in the various animal booths.

Ok... they don't trust us teens with 10 to 12 year old kids, but they trust us with tiny, vulnerable puppies????

Tricia and I, along with Jess will be at the registration booth, signing the kids and their parents in. I better get a good night's sleep tonight... my P.R skills will not be at their best at 7.30 am on a Sunday morning... after that, because there aren't many volunteers, we have to dash over to the Canine Station, where all the puppies are. (YAY!) What we have to do is, as the woman in charge, Aunty Lily, puts it, "Make sure the kids don't get out of control and *mimics wringing gesture around a tiny puppies' neck*"

Sure, the three of us will guard the dogs, but who will guard us? I for one, cannot resist a cute little puppy... hahahah... Sed quis
custodiet ipsos custodes?

I'm kidding! I'm kidding!

All in all, I really looking foward to tomorrow, despite the fact that I'll be exhausted by the end of the day... and a whole week of school to follow after that. *sigh...*

I took a few pics of the hardly-ready Youth Park Open Theatre... and I'll try to snap some pics tomorrow. Kinda like a before/after shoot to share with you all.

Where's everything? Believe it or not... behind the stage. (That white wall over there) We have our work cut out for us.
And that woman in red? She's not a volunteer. She's my mum... *chortles*

One of the many canopies set up for the booths tomorrow. Empty now... filled with reptiles of all sorts tomorrow.

Some volunteers setting up a tent. The one I'll be in tomorrow greeting kids and parents with sleepy eyes.

Who knew volunteer work could make me so excited?

Until next time, Fern signing off!

Welcome to Vivid Crimson

After nearly two years using Friendster blogs, I have now decided to upgrade.
Blogger gives me a whole lot more freedom for customizing, and not to mention, now my friends who don't have Friendster accounts can leave comments for me too.

Vivid Crimson is a name that just felt right to me for this blog. It's not much to do with the colour itself (seeing that my blog is currently green... and not crimson...) but rather a double meaning behind it. Some of you might know what I mean. ;-p And it's just a cool name, or at least it is to me.

And the sub-heading, 'Live. Learn. Grow.', some of you, especially from the editorial board, might recognize it as this year's theme for the school magazine. Weeeelll, I came up with it, (cheh, perasan...) so I reserve the right to use it here. (Hmm... I should think of copywriting it somehow) Only, it's 'We Live, We Learn, We Grow' in the school magazine... so I cut it short... harhar. How original.........

I'm still exploring around. Soon enough I'll fiddle my way into using my own adobe photoshop designs for this blog rather than the templates they already have... but now is not the time seeing that I'm due in the Youth Park Open Theater in 45 minutes. Tricia, please be there early or else I'll be completely lost...

I'll check back in later. Once I get my 'tree painting' out of the way, which is gonna be awhile, seeing what a 3rd rate artist I am...

Thanks for dropping by!