Monday, February 18, 2008

Letter Meme

Comment and I'll give you a letter; then you have to list 10 things you love that begin with that letter. Afterward, post this in your blog and give out some letters of your own.

Phaik Chern gave me 'L'.

Gotta get this done before I disappear into the world of studying for the next week or so... hm, ever notice that the world 'studying' has the word 'dying' in it? XD

1. Lindsay Monroe. Duh.

2. Life. (not right now... but generally, yes, I love life.)

3. Lambs. (aren't they cute? I have a lamb plushie that my cousin gave me when I was 10. So kewt!)

4. Lisa Edelstein. Geez... 'L' is hard...

5. Lions...

Good grief.

6. Literature. As in books. Not English KOMSAS.

7. Laughter. Of course.

8. Love. Why not... plenty of M&Ms to go around. :P

9. Luck. One of the most important factors in life.

10. Leek... ish. I dunno. bleh.

Buh-bye. Back to life. XD


Anonymous said...

Lisa Edelstein???


I think I prefer Lee Huey Fern.


questmaster said...

oh definitely. how could you forget your own name :P and how about Little penguins? XD

Esther said...

hello.. exam mania.. but after that, a short euphoria! So gimme a letter.

BTW: i consulted my very-wise-friend-who-must-not-be-named
and he/she said that studying derived from the word, STUDENT DYING! Kidding. That's MY theory.

Anonymous said...

hey, I saw your comment on Bekas Penuh, I'm a BRAT from Kuching 2007, but I applied for Langkawi 2007.

It works something like this, you get a letter about 1 month before the workshop if you are selected for it, attached to the letter will be forms to fill up.

If they happen to re-open applications (this happens occasionally, e.g.: Kuching workshop last year) and you apply then and get selected, you'll get a call or an email from The Star concerning the workshop.

Or if you're like me and got reassigned to a different workshop, you'll get an email from The Star, and also the letter 1 month before the actual workshop date.

Hope that helps.


Anonymous said...

Ahahaha! I LOVE this open ID thing! :D:D:D:D:D

Lisa Edelstein??? You're not just saying that because you can't think of any other thing/person right? ;)

Yes, LOVE. Your M&Ms... My A/R... :D:D:D:D

Cara Ooi said...

*testing testing*

Wah... Can use this oso ah?

Nicole said...

My apologies really. I didn't see the comment put in since I posted the BRATs Recruitment post under the maintanence user. And I'm afraid I'm nearly a month late in replying. But anyway, if your workshop selected is the first one, you should have a call/e-mail/sms/letter by now. I don't really know how they inform you since I received an e-mail but other applicants got calls, and smses' or letters. It depends really. If your workshop is the latter ones, no fear if you haven't got a call. They would inform you when your workshop is near. At least, that is what I was told by other BRATs since mine was the first one as well. So yeah! I hope that was useful. But if you already got a call, then sorry, I was a bit too late. >__<