Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Sweet 16

Thanks to Jess, everytime the word 'Sweet 16' is mentioned, screaming, completely blonde girls come to mind (which I detest... you know, those: 'Like uh... and she was like uh-hh... and like, ohmigawd, he was being totally uhhh...' -shudders-) Then, comes the name of one the CSI NY episodes in Season Three (where a millionaire gave his daughter a luxury car... but that's besides the point).

But all presumptions of 'Sweet 16' aside, today, really, was a sweet 16. In the most unblondish way possible.

So, I have a few thank yous to dish out.

To my cousin Wei Vern and buddy Jessica both fed my guitar fetish with a box full of guitar picks and a set of new guitar strings respectively. Thanks! -plunk-plunk-plunk-strum-strum-
And also 7ee, for the Body Glove backpack I've always wanted.

Jolene, thanks for pulling a Hermione and getting me an organizer. But since it combines two things I love so much, New York and Dogs, it ain't so bad. XD.
Also, thanks for the card and 'The Anything and Everything CD- the Carmine Giovinazzo very, VERY limited edition' with VCD tracks, DVD tracks and Freebies including Danny's 100% original glasses.

Conveniently, the CD was out of stock and all she got was the Adobe Photoshopped CD cover. -insert massive eyeroll here-
Ah well, one can dream. XD

Phaik Chern, thanks for the book. 'The Wicked Wit of Insults'. Very amusing book. So if you're going to brainwash me into becoming like you, might as well make me laugh while at it, right? ;-D

Mum, for a nice day in Queensbay getting my New Year clothes and a treat at Paddington Pancakes. And also another organizer. Geez... do you people think I'm that messy and disorganized???? :-p

Dad and my aunts, for the ang pows! -kaching!-

Bro, for the Body Shop 'Invent Your Scent Collection Pack'. Muahaha... turn green with envy, Phaik Chern...

Renee and Ee Lynn, for my birthday muffin. Yum!
And Ms Lee, for so much Maths and Add Maths homework...........

Tricia in advance. I seriously don't know what more I want, ok.

And everyone else (Nadz, Maria, Jonie, Dhiv, Esther) for their birthday wishes (Korean birthday wishes for Maria...). Anyone else I missed out, forgive me and thank you as well.

Without friends like you all, my world will be as boring as being eternally trapped in a room with nothing but Siviks and Moral textbooks to read.

Thanks so much. Love ya' all.

Like I said, today is a really sweet 16.

Off I go to watch Heroes Season Two... But I'm so far behind... even my English teacher has watched this season already. Hooor! Beli pirated, ya!!


Esther said...

Hi!!! Sweet 16... i definitely cannot imagine any of us blonde and going all "blondie". Bleh. I'm sorry i forgot!!!! :'( Anyway.. to add to your e-card, and enjoy your paddington pancakes! Ms. Lee's present is the best of all right?? After all, who else can give you so much Add. Maths knowledge?! wakakaka

SYmPLiMe said...

uh, i would like to try to have red hair..LOL..coming to your house tonight...muahhaha...
"Geez... do you people think I'm that messy and disorganized???? :-p
" maybe they think you have to many works to be organized...LOL..
Your Ms Lee is the best among all? Pheww~~ I think so!

SYmPLiMe said...

terlupa ttg HEROES..OMG! I wanna watch!!!

Anonymous said...


I was NOT trying to brainwash you. I was merely giving you something which would amuse you and make you think of me.

You insult me.

And you always think of me as your walking and talking source of entertainment anyway.

I'm hurt.

No love,

Phaik Chern

P.S. - Love ya babe! :D:D:D:D *hugs* You're my big sister now. LOL! Since you're like 6 months older than me. That's half a year you know!

Anonymous said...

Tricia said...
Fern, you'd better be more "perasaan sikit" It's already the month of February. =)

Anonymous said...

Jo here. Hahaha...I know it's like nearly a month after your b'day...
Esther's right, Ms Lee's 'gift' is the best of all mah, the only white ang pau you can find in M'sia!
No, I don't think you're disorganized lar, but abt d cd..sori lo..I wasn't fast enuf..It was sellin' like HOT CAKES I tell u!
lol..maybe the real thing next year? ; P

Renee said...

HAHAHA no problem! i know u enjoyed the "publicity" u got by everyone screaming the birthday song to you! anyway, link me!