Friday, January 23, 2009

Tag No. I Lost Count

School's out for the week. To heck with homework! (At least for today... -weakling-)

Time for a long tag. Snagged from you-know-who. XD Not Voldermort, silly...

How many keys are on your keychain?
I have loads of keychains, but no keys on them. They're all stuffed in a small blue container and I'm running out of space...

If you were given a canvas and watercolors, what would you paint?
BWAHAHAHAAA!!! Me paint??!! Me???! Paint???!!! -collapses laughing-

What do you regard as the most repulsive form of music?
I've told Jessica this before. Songs that spell words. XD It annoys the heck out of me. We want to listen to lyrics, not spelling lessons of a single word, over and over again.

Whose mind, besides your own, would you like to control?
Um, somebody that I want something from? :P -devious-

What is the most dangerous occupation?
According to my English teacher, being a teacher or a prefect should students ever be allowed to buy guns in Malaysia.

What is the first thing you do when you get out of bed?
My bladder makes me go to the bathroom.

What do you consider the greatest threat to mankind?
People. XD -'I love mankind, it's people I can't stand.' -Linus, Charlie Brown-

If you could project yourself into the past, where would you go?
I've watched enough of Hiro Nakamura to say it's better off not going anywhere.

What are you thankful you are not doing right now?
Agree with the person I took this tag from. Homework.

What is your favorite kind of candy?
Don't have any preference, really. I eat candy if I somehow obtain it, but I don't buy candy. XD

What is your favorite thing about the beach?
Tiny little crabs that one can chase in the early morning. And then sitting on the sand watching the waves splash in while trying not to get one's butt wet.

If you were invisible, where would you go?
I don't know yet. Wait til' I'm invisible, then I'll come back and tell you where I went.

What is one object in your home that you are embarrassed to own?
If I'm embarassed to own, why the heck would I want to tell the Whole Wide World?

Fill in the blank; When I dance, I look like:
Someone who's never danced before...

Who is one person you wish you would have never met?
Like I'm gonna tell yoooouuu.... XD

What is your favorite fruit?
It used to be apples, but when I got my braces, I couldn't bite into them without yelling out in pain. But now that my braces are gone, I guess it's apples again.

What is your favorite kind of cookie?
Butter cookies. :-)

If you were an evil dictator, where would you rule?
Like the person I tagged this from, wherever people will not rebel against my evil dictating. XD Dictating......

What do you need to get right now at the drug store?
Mosquito repellent. Nasty little buggers. Bleh.

What song do you keep hearing over and over again?
David Archuleta's Crush. I used to like the song... before they played it a bajillion times.

What was the happiest age of your life?
Aww, every year has it's ups and downs...

What is your favorite piece of clothing that you own?
My loose, comfy school T-shirts.

What two words describe your lifestyle?
Currently? Um... Rush Hour?

Which ocean creature fascinates you most?
The Lochness Monster and other mythtical sea creatures out there. Lol.

On a scale of 1-10; how religious are you?
I'm thinking 6...

What historical figure would you most like to have a discussion with?
All those smart-alecs that did/came up with all kinds of things that we have to study now. WHHHYY?? :P

What color looks best on you?
White, black... red.

What is your favorite thing about being sick?
Nothing. It sucks being sick. You feel like crap all day and when you recover, you feel like crap all over again when you see all the work you have to catch up on...

Whats new?
Lots and lots of burfday pwesents. Boing!

Why are you here right now?
Because it's a whole lot more fun than doing Add Maths, Moral or Accounts homework. Plus, I wanted to book cinema tickets online. Unfortunately the reservation tickets were all gone. So I'm just gonna have to wing it tomorrow. XD

What commercial do you find most annoying?
Those that belong to companies that sponsered the show. Which means their commercials start and end every single commercial break. Yoiks.

What was your favorite meal growing up?
McD Happy Meal. Isn't that everyone's? Haha.

If you had to spend the rest of your life in one place, where would it be?
My own room. That is, if new books/computer games/DVDs are brought in at a frequent rate.

Fill in the blank; I am so much smarter than:
Whatever inanimate objects with no brains. Except robots. Robots have outsmarted me and two other friends of my before.

What one person or thing reminds you of the 70s?
I'm Era-Ignorant. I don't know.

What is college really good for?
It's like experiencing school life all over again from the beginning. Only better.

Where is the most beautiful place you have ever been?
There were several places in Europe that were amazing. Only I don't remember the names right now. One was a waterfall. The other was a cablecar ride down Mt. Titlis in Switzerland. It was so green! And the air stank of cow dung. :p

What body part aches you the most right now?
My arm, thanks to playing lots of badminton after a long time of non-activity.

When is the angriest you have ever been?
Angriest, I'm not sure. I've been angry plenty of times, but the level was pretty much the same. Most recently, it was this morning during a certain period. I won't say anymore here in case I get in trouble. XD

What do you waste your time doing?
Going online answering super long tags?

On a scale of 1-10; how much do you trust people?
6. :P

If you were forced to choose your own death, how would you die?
Quietly in my sleep.

On a scale of 1-10; how photogenic are you?
I'd say 2. But that's just me.

What aspect of your personality could use a little work?
Patience. And procrastination. Oh, and my introvertedness. (Is that word right? :P)

What is your greatest addiction?
CSI NY. No freakin' duh. XD

What issue are you sick of hearing about?
SPM. Although granted, what I heard this morning in said class back in the question about anger, was a very different way to hear about SPM.

If you were a professional wrestler, what would your ring name be?
Evil-Dictator. So help me, I'm out of ideas.

What language would you like to master?
BM. Hahahahaa.

What is your favorite dish at a Chinese restaurant?
No idea. I'd eat anything.

Who would you least likely expect a phone call from?
Carmine Giovinazzo? Heh. That answers the above question as well as 'who would you want to receive a phone call from?'

What is the longest you have ever gone without a shower?
I think a day. I'd die if I have to last any longer.

What is the saddest movie you have ever seen?
I actually got teary-eyed from watching Adam Sandler's 'Click'. Not from laughing. I would like to say Marley and Me, but looks like it;s not going to premier in M'sia. Triple Drat.

What time do you usually fall asleep?
Once upon a time was past midnight. For the past week, I'm off by 10.30.

Where is the worst place to be stuck waiting?
Anywhere that doesn't have a toilet and you need to go super urgently.

What is the cutest animal on Earth?

Name one celebrity that has no right being a celebrity.
I can think of quite a few. But I better watch it in case fans come after me.

What hobby have you always wanted to pick up?
Karate. Too late now. XD


Tysle said...

Tiny little crabs that one can chase in the early morning. And then sitting on the sand watching the waves splash in while trying not to get one's butt wet.
Wakakaka! :D It's fun alright. We'll wait till the mid-term break before we go again.

*turns back and looks at the 2 robotic sets*
I think I'll stay away from it for a while while I do your B'day card. :)

questmaster said...

loch ness monster, you mean ;) you know, I hear it's sposed to be related to the pleisosaurus. Don't even know how to spell it never mind say it, lol. P-L-E-I-S-O-S-A-U-R-U-S: too many alphabets to make a catchy tune with. dictation -is- evil. we all know that for a fact. xD

eevy said...

whoots! you've taken out your braces?? i din even know! =D i still gotta suffer for about a year plus before i can take mine out.. shucks!

SYmPLiMe said...

