Monday, August 24, 2009

Which CSI NY character are you?

Can't say I'm surprised... after reading the description. Pretty accurate. XD I'm such a boring dud. Rofl. I knew it was a 'no go' on getting Danny Messer, based on my answers and the answers I knew a Danny-like person would give... :P


Just for fun, I manipulated my answers just to see if I could get Danny. If anyone needed any more proof on how freakishly well I know the guy, I got him on my first attempt. ;-)


Tysle said...

Haha. I heard that it was Carmine's birthday from Jo first before reading it here and she told me what you were going to do today too, you crazy feller. xD

I tried to quiz for the fun of it and got Dr. Sid Hammerback. It's not like I'll ever be doing autopsies though. :P

questmaster said...

I wanted to get flack :( but who'd I end up with? stella o.O

Jolene said...

LOL @ Tricia! Did the quiz, got Sid as well :P
Did you see Hill's latest Tweet? There's even a pic of Carmine and him!! *flails* xD