Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year

Worst minor illness to me? Food poisoning. When one begins to feel queasy out of nowhere, all one can do is lie down on the bed and pray that the sick, sick feeling goes away.

It doesn't. It gets steadily worse and worse, and worse, and before you know it, it's a mad dash to the bathroom and one lets out a torrential downpour that scares everyone within a one mile radius. Bleh. And this goes on for the rest of the day until one feels completely shriveled and dried out, unable to do anything but lie in bed like a bag of potatoes. (potatoes being one of the top causes of food poisoning...)

What a way to end 2009. Heh. But oh well, it's over and I pray it does not happen again for a long time.... Considering I missed an interview for a leadership program next year because I was too busy puking my guts inside out. Blah. Guess it was meant to be... :P

A new year about to begin! And with it, a new life!

Catherine Willows: Scary thing, sending your kid off to college.
Doc. Robbins: Lindsey looking already?
Catherine: Yeah. We just looked at WLVU last month.
Doc. Robbins: At least she'll be close to home.
Catherine: Trust me. When she's on campus, she might as well be a thousand miles away.

How symbolic that the first CSI episode I should catch after such a long time, I hear this dialogue. I can relate... or rather, my parents can relate. And every other parent whose child is heading off to their next step in their life journey as well.

The days have been filled with the usual mummy-daddy advice, covering every topic from safety to hygiene. Haha. I'm excited, no doubts about it, I can't wait for this new adventure to start, but of course at the same time, I know I'm going to miss home and the comforts it brings. Here I am, stepping off into new territory, no longer going back to CGL where everything's familiar, and everyone knows everybody (almost). It's sad, but everything has it's pros and cons... ups and downs. Carpe Diem!

Happy 2010!


Esther said...

Aiyo... Food poisoning- potatoes again? ;) Blessed new year and welcome to Taylors! See you in March! And please, give me tuition, cos' I'll be 2 months behind time!

Anonymous said...

Learn cantonese. LOL.
-your friendly neighbourhood potato-

Tysle said...

I've found back your blog. Muhaha! Parents will surely, surely miss us after 17 years of mummying and daddying after us. xD