Teacher... the Geography test will be hard, ah?
No... it will be soft.
And after the Teacher's Day session, lessons with her got considerably a lot more pleasant. We laughed more over Robinson Crusoe, Rudolf Rassendyll and where Bangkok is on the map.No... it will be soft.
Fellow 3 Biruans, you know what I mean. Our ex-form teacher will be retiring tomorrow. Oy, jangan berpura-pura... don't act macho. You know as well as I do that we will all miss her terribly.
Who can forget the numerous sarcastic remarks that she comes up with?
Hey, so-and-so, write faster! Am I going to have to wait for you until tomorrow ah?
(Or something like that... I don't remember the exact words. Let me know if you remember other sentences she said.)
Or her most popular phrase:
Girls, ahhhh.......
Or even those most unteacher-like moments...
Chapter 16... -flips through pages- all boring crap...
Can we ever forget the time when we first met her, and were so surprised when she pulled out her glasses from what we thought was a container for a pen...
Did you see her glasses?? So THIN!!
But best of all, (or perhaps worse...) was when she got so angry at us on the day before Teacher's Day for being unresponsive that she started teaching without actually talking directly at us. On Teacher's Day, we sang her an apology version of My Chemical Romance's 'The Black Parade'... wait... I can still remember a bit of the chorus:
We're really sad,
We've made you mad,
That was not our intention,
We didn't mean for this to happen,
No not at all...
And she said it was the most beautiful speech anyone had ever said to her. And she got teary eyed, and all us macho teens got teary eyed. She talked to us for awhile, and thankfully, she was so distracted that she forgot all about scolding us about the brooms and dustbin lying all over the place... (which was what she was going to say, before we started singing... :-p)
There's also the card we gave her when she wasn't feeling well for a few days.
Who can forget the numerous sarcastic remarks that she comes up with?
Hey, so-and-so, write faster! Am I going to have to wait for you until tomorrow ah?
(Or something like that... I don't remember the exact words. Let me know if you remember other sentences she said.)
Or her most popular phrase:
Girls, ahhhh.......
Or even those most unteacher-like moments...
Chapter 16... -flips through pages- all boring crap...
Can we ever forget the time when we first met her, and were so surprised when she pulled out her glasses from what we thought was a container for a pen...
Did you see her glasses?? So THIN!!
But best of all, (or perhaps worse...) was when she got so angry at us on the day before Teacher's Day for being unresponsive that she started teaching without actually talking directly at us. On Teacher's Day, we sang her an apology version of My Chemical Romance's 'The Black Parade'... wait... I can still remember a bit of the chorus:
We're really sad,
We've made you mad,
That was not our intention,
We didn't mean for this to happen,
No not at all...
And she said it was the most beautiful speech anyone had ever said to her. And she got teary eyed, and all us macho teens got teary eyed. She talked to us for awhile, and thankfully, she was so distracted that she forgot all about scolding us about the brooms and dustbin lying all over the place... (which was what she was going to say, before we started singing... :-p)
There's also the card we gave her when she wasn't feeling well for a few days.
So now she's off to a much more stress-free life, as our headmistress said this morning. Perhaps she's going to travel the world and take a more up-close-and-personal look on the subject she loves so much.
(Thank goodness we had a 100% pass rate for PMR Geography...)
*Sigh* I might actually cry tomorrow... seriously... XD
Puan Pargash ah?
Tricia said...
Ai, ai, aih... It's sad that left already alright... I suppose i'm the macho/odd type which can't cry at stuff like this. Aih Fern, at least we got the opportunity to be the last class she had. That way, the class she'll remember most is us. =)
Tricia said...
Ai, ai, aih... It's sad that left already alright... I suppose i'm the macho/odd type which can't cry at stuff like this. Aih Fern, at least we got the opportunity to be the last class she had. That way, the class she'll remember most is us. =)
Tricia said...
Oops Fern! Double comment. *that's why i really dislike slow internet connection...*
You know what, she was one of the most un-teacher-like teachers I've ever got to know.
Also, I think the one teacher who we all did stuff for. The cards, the apology. Just the stuff. Never had other class teachers move us to tears like that before eh?
i hugged her few times in few days!!!
i shall miss her!
oh, what a unforgettablr memory!
eh, yurp, BANGKOK and YANGON (myanmar)..LOLx...
uh, she was going to scold us but later she was so touched that she had forgotten all about it??
ehem, next time if teacher wants to scold us, we can do like that again!
(izzat correct Grammar?)
Nah. Macho? me? wahahahaha!
Aiyo. She left d... And now it's Feb.. going on March. Speaking of which, Tricia, Jo and me used to do something stupid last time.. we'd see her walking across the field back to her car and then we'd shout "TEECHER! " *she doesn't appear to notice* "PUAN PARRGASH!!!!" we'd chorus. Then she'd turn around and then we'd wave like toddlers from Kindy. Weehee.. THAT is what I call MACHO! :)
Tricia said...
Esther, I'm sure she felt very happy (or totally bewildered) when we did that xD
agree with phaik chern. she's the most sarcastic teacher i've ever seen.
she might be boring at times, but i'll miss her. definitely will. =]
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